is the way to cap off a summer stint. My gig has been working from W to Sun. at Drury Lane (a dinner theatre) as a restaurant server. I've always wanted to try waitressing, and this was my big shot. And the experience hasn't been half bad. At all. I've met some wonderful people from around the world -- Albanians, Chileans, Columbians, Czechs, Romanians, Russians, and lots of Mexicans :) I really used the Spanish that I learned in the past few years. The funny thing is that the latinos would talk about me as I walked by, thinking that I had not a clue about what they were saying. I did, but stayed quiet about it until one day when I had to ask the Spanish-speaking dessert chef to leave off cherries, nuts, and put extra syrup on a piece of NY cheesecake. Then all the guys were like, what, you speak Spanish? And so I said, si, un poco. Haha, I had a ball watching them smile sheepishly at me like kids with their hands caught in the cookie jar.
So on my night off, I saw the finale of the show, Nunsensations, about a convent of nuns who go to Vegas to headline a song-and-dance show so that they can earn $10k for money to donate to an elementary school. The set and props were fabulous -- my favorite was the red pump chair, which you can see in the pictures I steathily took at curtain call :)
I also won something! The CLERGY, do not ticket, sign was my prize for spinning the Holy Roller, also photographed on set. The Holy Roller was a wheel with the five virtues -- hope, charity, faith, and will and grace. Will and Grace were pictured for the last two virtues :)
Also, the cute Albanian manager who had hired me in the first place bought me a drink. A perfect night.
light as a feather
ba and me
I want my future living room to look like THIS
The loot
Curtain call
The cocktail lounge
Overlooking the dining room (where I worked) bathed in darkness
Drury Lane: For those interested in visiting, go to<>. The next show is a mystery comedy, Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians," playing from August 3 through September 24, 2006.